
I have become entangled in everything about zines: making them, reading them, collecting them. Here’s a list of my own zines. I am always open to trade zines! Please reach out if you see something you like.

20 years online

20 years online zine flip-through20 years online zine flip-through

mini-zine poster perzine illustrated internet y2k

20 years online zine20 years online zine

My first zine in a loooong time. Made during a zine workshop by Sarah Mirk at MozFest. We were supposed to tell a story about our relationship with the internet.

There is a poster” printed inside”.

Used markers and Procreate for iPad for illustrations.

Books I own and never read (but really want to, I promise)

Books I own and never read zine flip-throughBooks I own and never read zine flip-through

mini-zine poster perzine illustrated books guilt

Books I own and never read zineBooks I own and never read zine

Illustrated zine listing a few books that I have in my personal library, but, for a reason or another, have yet to read.

There is a poster” printed inside”.

Ink illustrations.

An ode to the bread machine

An ode to the bread machine zine flip-throughAn ode to the bread machine zine flip-through

quarter page zine cookbook recipes illustrated baking

An ode to the bread machine zineAn ode to the bread machine zine

I’m a huge fan of this domestic appliance. In this zine, I hope to convince readers that the bread machine is amazing and should not be underestimated. I has short instructions and includes recipes for bread and much more.

Markers and ink illustrations, typewriter. Gocco-printed cover.

Pocket oracle

Pocket oracle zine flip-throughPocket oracle zine flip-through

quarter page zine oracle self help

Pocket oracle zinePocket oracle zine

This zine was inspired in a tiny tarot book that I had as a teenager. I’ve made it as part of the 24-hour zine thing event. It contains messages and tiny collages for anyone looking for some generic guidance.

Typewriter and collage. Gocco-printed cover.

Do more of what you love

Books I own but never read zine flip-throughBooks I own but never read zine flip-through

mini-zine poster perzine illustrated cats self help

Do more of what you love zineDo more of what you love zine

Mid-life crisis perzine about somethings you realize when you get older. Illustrated with cats, becasue cats make everything better.

There is a poster” printed inside”.

Typewriter and colored pencils. Color-printed.